jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

Activity in class-greetings and commands


Activity 1

1. The teacher asked students the vocabulary that known in English on the subject "Greetings and commands".

2. To have analyzed the vocabulary that students know, the teacher will give a brief explanation about the subject "Greetings and commands" for they know when used

3. The students are bring different images in the blackboard for that relate to the vocabulary and phrases already given


That students learn and recognize how use the greetings.

Activity 2

1. The teacher will give to each of the students a sheet containing a conversation of the subject already seen "Greetings and commands".

2. The teacher play the audio of the conversation and the students listen and complement.

3. The teacher will rectify that students have supplemented in the right way the conversation

4. The students will be in pairs to practice pronunciation and voluntarily students pass in front to say the conversation and the teacher correct mistakes in that conversation


What? Greetings and commands
How? Activity 2
What for?
This activity will be realized for that students understand the subject and interact in the classroom.


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