domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011


The dialog in a classroom is necessary due to an interaction that is generated to help teaching and learning strategies to be efficient and effective.
In a classroom, it is important that the teacher engages students so that they have confidence and generate a motivation by students that help them learn better. It is also essential that the student is open to the dialogue in such a way to help you learn more about Professor, how they work and the possible relationship within and outside of Hall to help that the student acquires confidence.
The dialogue is a basic form of human communication that is used on a daily basis and spontaneously during the class, favoring with use socialization and the development of guidelines of coexistence, as well as you can also generate interest by oral transmission.
Through dialogue, the student enhances your ability to listen because item that develops was selected according to their motivation, therefore, you must ensure the basic knowledge and thus facilitate care, understanding and interpretation that is required for a proper listening.
The master when generating a dialogue in which there are questions and answers is a form of cognitive interaction, which underlines the importance of being able to properly understand what the other and speak up for self and others. The question is a very important element of the communicative process, above all because, as already mentioned, it involves an interaction between the spoken and who listens. It is a relationship between the two (receiver and sender) and under this, the set of questions can provide an important characterization of the Auditorium: his conscience.
In the teaching - learning must take into account the current language, allowing the teacher raise from immediate, next, real linguistic reality that uses the student as a user of the language, to the levels that this perceived that the language can become a great work of art. Teaching is carried out as a real and fruitful, dialogue based on the belief that the verbal habits are modifiable and thus improved.
Oral communication involves two types of learning: one, the instrumental mastery of language (phonetic, morphological, semantic), another of the positive compression- expression of experiences, feelings or thoughts.
All is known the importance of dialogue in an individualized and comprehensive education in the education, the pedagogical principle of learning is the action, which must be taken into account in designing activities to help students learn to interpret and understand the messages to achieve better oral communication.
The dialogue is a type of ideal discourse that can be used in classrooms or not where the subjects of basic training and specialty are developed to make constant exchanges between students. Teachers are in constant dialogue with the students when they arrive at the classroom and greet one another, ask about a topic, reviewed a written exercise or organize a research work; at any time, for any reason, it originates a dialogue and perhaps, are not always exploited the opportunities to enhance specific skills.
This is important to highlight the importance of the use of dialogue curriculum, therefore more than the exchange between two people, pursues an educational goal which is to work not only as a type of speech purposes, but as a technique to enhance speech.
Some features that benefit to in the classroom there is a constructive dialogue are: analyze and organize the ideas before communicating them, use a simple language, live, taking into account the level of the partner, explain or repeat, be patient to listen to others, verify if the message was caught, take care of the voice, diction, choosing a right to talk about pace, by way of conclusion are some recommendations that must be taken into account to promote the dialogue (oral communication).

There are two types of dialog that they arise in the classroom, one of them is the spontaneous and another the reflective.
Students generate the dialogue with their peers and teachers form spontaneous to draw the attention of who surrounds them; narrate what has befallen them, express their feelings, States of mind or problems wishes, views to argue or express views on most issues: the spontaneous expression is the conversation, which is used in everyday life situations.
When students and teachers talk of reflexive form some issue they do usually, although not always in a way objective, having it designed and analyzed carefully. This type of dialogue is used more, when looking for troubleshooting various issues in the classroom.
Types of oral communication help to generated the dialogue or discussion between master - student, are normally used: previously developed exhibitions and conferences, in order to ensure communication security, search for coherent expression, extension of the semantic repertoire, training in different articles, types of information in which students analyze, reflect and generate questions based on the subject in such a way that the master to make the case the information in form of debate.
In conclusion I would say that the dialogue in the classroom is very important because it help to us as teachers know better our students, and thus seek teaching strategies that help you to get different types of students to understand.
When practical in individual schools seeking understanding and analysis in detail my students so that you know how to deal with them in the Hall, I mainly focused in that there is an atmosphere of trust in which students can perform activities in good way, but also I found with students who are apathetic but that is no problem because the majority of students who behave in this way is because they are very insecure, therefore seek dialogue with them and make them feel confidence in such a way that they feel motivated.


Secondary education pretend that student develop adequate skills, values and attitudes to achieve a good development in society. In particular, secondary education should provide basic training to respond to the phenomenon of the universalization of the registration, form the integral personality of young people, etc. For this reason that in high school must develop levels of knowledge to the student so that it can act effectively in its context.
When I went to practice at the school easily notice as the level of knowledge of pupils depends on various factors.
One of the factors that help to improve the level of knowledge of students is the motivation.
Currently given much importance to which the master is responsible to use teaching strategies and learning so that the student arises objectives and goals that will help them to improve their level of knowledge and personally that is a good way to ensure that the student search in own way strategies to learn, whether implementing their own competence establishing goals for learning or performance that will help you learn in the classroom, this benefit not only to the student if not also to the master by analyzing ways to help students to recognize their abilities, skills and attitudes that will help your level of knowledge to go more than the teacher gives them.
In this way, Professor becomes a real guide, whose role is not confined to convey information, but it teaches how to think, how to use more appropriate strategies and how to resolve problems when the student is not how to do it. The master strategist plans first thinking of the achievements you want to achieve and then designs activities taking into account the interests of the students and their previous knowledge.
In the classroom, it is almost impossible that the level of knowledge is conducted in the same way in all pupils being so all students has developed a better ability than the other, in such a way a student according to Howard Gardner can better develop an intelligence that another is to say a student may have an intelligence kinestesic and other linguistic intelligence, both are different capacities which young people can develop.
A good way for students to improve their level of knowledge is the fact that the master will look within the classroom, the different levels of knowledge of their students so that those knowledge underdeveloped, have more emphasis in such a way that the master will help to develop that level and thus be balanced so that there is a better level of knowledge in every classroom.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


In order to begin my essay about the importance of multiple intelligences in the secondary (mainly), it is necessary to know which are the multiple intelligences.
Howard Gardner is regarded as the creator of the theory of multiple intelligences, they relate to the influence of the environment that develops the individual, their cognitive, styles the willingness to solve problems and create products, so that todos are born with a few potential marked by Genetics, but those potentialities are going to develop in a way or another depending on our environment , experiences, received education, etc.
For Gardner intelligence is the ability to generate new problems, solve everyday problems and to create products, all of this within a cultural area.
There are 8 types of intelligences by Howard Gardner and are:
Intelligence lógica-Matematica: Persons with a well-developed mathematical logical intelligence are able to use abstract thinking using logic and numbers to establish relationships between different data. They are, therefore, in the resolution of problems, the ability to perform complex mathematical calculations and logical reasoning. Is therefore one of the two great privileged system education.
Intrapersonal intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence is, according to the definition of Howard Gardner, in the set of capabilities that allow us to form an accurate and truthful model of ourselves, as well as use this model to engage us in an efficient way in life.There are three types of intrapersonal skills: ability to perceive own emotions, control emotions and motivate one same.
Intrapersonal intelligence largely determines the success or failure of the students. For the students is important because without ability to auto - motivate is no possible performance. Any learning represents an effort. Control of emotions is important not only during a review, but on the day to day. Any learning something new entails inevitable periods of confusion and frustration and tension. Students unable to handle that kind of emotions often are reluctant to try new activities, for fear of failure. Because it depends on that we finish the course in better or worse state mood is also important from the point of view of the teacher.

Interpersonal intelligence: Interpersonal intelligence is what allows us to understand others, relies on the development of two major types of skills, empathy and the ability to handle relations interpersonal.
Interpersonal intelligence is important for any student, because it is that allows you to make friends, work in groups, or get help when you need it. Learning is a social activity greatly.
Interpersonal intelligence is even more important from the point of view of the Professor, because without it we cannot understand our students, their needs and their motivations.
Physics-kinesthetic intelligence: it is the ability to use one's body to express ideas and feelings, and their particularities of coordination, balance, dexterity, strength, flexibility and speed, as well as propioceptivas and touch.

Her seen in children who Excel in sports, dance, physical theatre, or works of buildings using specific materials. Also in those who are skilled in the execution of instruments.
Spatial intelligence: it is the ability to assess with certainty the image visual and spatial, graphically represent ideas, and raising the color, line, shape, figure, space and their interrelations.

It is children that they study better with graphs, diagrams, tables. They like to do mental and conceptual maps. They understand very well drawings and sketches.
Intelligence naturalist: is the ability to distinguish, classify and use elements of the environment, objects, animals or plants. Both the urban and suburban or rural atmosphere. Includes the skills of observation, experimentation, reflection and questioning of our environment.
Intelligence Linguistics: verbal-lingüística intelligence is a human characteristic that is indispensable for social life and is often described as the sensitivity to sounds, rhythms and meaning of words, often arriving to become a passion to learn to express themselves both orally and in writing.
Through the reading and writing, this type of intelligence, although it has to be developed by all children therefore allowing them access to knowledge through reading has been encouraged, it is important that not eclipse other skills, especially those of those children who have an inclination special towards another type of activities like dance, the arts, management with images, etc. Traditionally in school language has given priority over other resources
Musical intelligence: Referred to as Musical intelligence to the facility which has a person to identify different sounds and perceive its elements (intensity, direction, tone, timbre and frequency), as well as be able to distinguish a sound among others at the time.
Howard Gardner emphasizes the fact that all minds are equally important. The problem is that our school system not treated equally and h given priority to the intelligence logical - mathematical and linguistic intelligence to the point of denying the existence of the others.
All these intelligences are important in the classroom because through these capabilities, the master must pursue strategies to enable each student to develop different types of skills, however, there are capabilities that are not exactly developed in the classroom if that is not already given since birth, in such a way that the child learns from home to develop these skillsHowever there are also cases in which multiple intelligences must be developed gradually, so the teacher is considered an important piece for the development of these capabilities in the students which allows the student to feel motivated and show greater interest and dedication in the teaching-learning model.
When I have practiced in the classroom I given eh tells of how a variety of students that have great skills which teachers should focus more to its development and is why it is very important that there is a possibly link where the motivation and confidence are the precursor of such capacities.