miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Skills of English teacher

The English teacher should carry out various strategies to ensure that in the classroom is established an effective teaching-learning process
Mainly the master must establish a communicative vision that way the student will be competent to the foreign language
Language means being able to interact with others through the production and interpretation of texts written in order to participate in society, i.e. the foreign language teaching and oral is constituted by social practices of language.
The teacher must perform practical pedagogical common in class of English that helps develop skills effectively in such a way the master must:
• Planning education
• Teaching language as dynamic social event in which the teacher, the students and content interact with the ultimate goal of achieving the learning.
• They organize the learning environment
• They interact and promote interaction
• They assess the achievements of students and own performance.
• This process can start with the exposure of students to a text written or oral
The foreign language learning is very important that there is currently a progress or need to use different languages in almost all areas already is of the knowledge, application human, etc. Although also this learning helps to have a grand opening of possibilities for coexistence with another language.
Is normally believed that learning a language (educational levels) based only on the need of pass exams to support that they have knowledge of the language, however learning goes beyond of the accumulation of good grades, i.e., is that to teach the language, the person who learns to be able to come into contact with beings from different culture (cultural interaction)
To learn a foreign language is not only important to acquire grammar but also non-verbal language (perceptions of touch, taste, sight, ear), as it is important to learn the language so that there is acceptance of norms, values, different attitudes and accept the differences in other cultures, this way to overcome the problems and reach a good understanding.
Learning a language is to learn to think in another and accept differences conceptions of things, none is better than another only different.
Mexico is a country that "judge before understanding" making use of judgments based on the cultural context and the existence of bias when we are in another culture
The country seems to be that the teaching of a second language (English) is limited because only certain educational sectors have the teaching of the language, but gradually began to emerge projects (programs) claiming that there is an implementation of English in all educational levels, from pre-school to University. This project is very good as Mexico is a country that to be influenced by the neighbouring country (United States), should be up-to-date on technology, economics, Commerce, etc. and not only that, but also because in our environment we are in the need to learn another language, either because some product you buy or see have text in English or the simple fact that some programs, social networks, internet etc. pages contain language information. Currently learning the English language is no longer a pleasure but a mere necessity.
Many Mexican people still has a certain fear or discrimination with regard to the learning of English since they think that this teaching is given in grammatical way where the theory abounds while practice does not, however don't take into account that there are various strategies for learning English, among them are: games, songs, videos, etc. all of these elements can help English easier and that way they can share information, experiences or talk determined aspect that helps to make the teaching-learning process more dynamic and efficient.
As already mentioned, the English is a language which allows to accept different ways of seeing the world in a way that is respectful of cultural differences and at the same time is too important not only in general focused on the relationship with other countries, if not so particular and focused on the basic education in Mexico (secondary).
There is great importance of language learning in basic education - secondary school which is an element of culture that helps to open up new possibilities and enrich us a diversity of knowledge, experiences, etc. Therefore, so that young people of secondary school have a better learning, it is necessary to take into account a communicative approach in such a way that accessible language and there is a teaching of different forms of expression in different contexts.
Student of secondary then we see not learning the language as a fear to learn if not as a form of motivation help that there is greater chance of success, cultural understanding and that with the help of the communicative approach can contextualize the knowledge and the (theoretical) traditional teaching that was commonly carried out it can be replaced.
The languages have turned into a very important tool to learn and, certainly, the English is the one that obtains the preference of the majority. For it, the students cannot be foreign to this reality and it is necessary bring over to the students to the foreign culture.

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Activities in the classroom.

Use of educational activities in the classroom.

It is necessary that in order to develop properly, the process of teaching - learning in the classroom, we put into practice activities that allow students to develop their cognitive process to then make use of the meta cognition. All this is based on the different types of strategy the teacher uses to ensure that students learn and the way in which the students assimilate certain information or knowledge.
The aim of employing various activities in the classroom, allows master captures the attention of students through dynamics to help students learn better knowledge the teacher teach. That is why it is important that the teacher understands how students learn in the classroom, so that in this way find a suitable teaching materials that will benefit the development of skills and abilities of their pupils. But this is necessary to know how to think students and mechanisms to serve as a support to carry out the teaching-learning process.
In such a way, mentioned two important concepts that we should take into account as teachers to analyse them in the classroom and thus enable us to perform certain activities in order that students learn. These concepts are: cognition and Meta cognition.
The cognitive approach, focuses on the mental activity of the student which leads to an answer and recognize mental planning processes. Likewise the cognitivist theories claim that the environment and its components of instruction cannot explain all the learning that results from an instruction. The cognocitivismo is also the construction of knowledge, an individual in particular, in relation to its internal situation and their expectations
Cognitive development is occurring with the reorganization of the cognitive structures as a result of adaptive processes to the environment, based on the assimilation of experience and accommodation of the same with previous knowledge of cognitive structures of apprentices. If the physical or social experience in conflict with previous knowledge, cognitive structures rearrange to incorporate the new experience and what they considered to be learning. The learning content is organized in schemes of knowledge which present different levels of complexity.

Within the cognocitivismo there are various theories that help clarify the process.One of them is the theory of processing the cognitive information that studies the role of the three stages of memory (sensory, short-term and long-term) in the recovery of information and its transfer to store and retrieve memory. Sensory memory enables students to organize groups of information or patterns in their environment, students recognize and process these patterns. Short-term memory allows the student to maintain and understand a small amount of information. If the information is actually linked to prior knowledge, it is stored in long-term memory. Long-term memory allows the student to remember and apply knowledge through learning environments, and remembers the information from a large amount of time once you learn. Encoding and retrieval also play a key role in the theory of the information on cognitive processing (Reiser & Dempsey, 2007).
Existed several thinkers who spoke on cognitive thinking, however one of the most prominent was Piaget which I'll settle a theory in which discovers discover the stages of cognitive development from infancy to adolescence: how psychological structures develop from innate reflexes, are organized during childhood into patterns of behavior, is internalizing during the second year of life as models of thinking, and are developed during childhood and adolescence in complex structures intellectuals that characterize adult life. PIAGET divided the cognitive development into four major periods:
The sensoriomotor (0-2 years), where children start to use the memory, develop a sense of permanence of objects in the intentional activity.
The cognitivista theory emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and internal mental structures; involved in the conceptualization of the process of the student and are concerned with how the information is received, organized, and stored.
Meta cognition is a term used to denote a series of operations, activities, and cognitive functions carried out by a person through an internalized set of intellectual mechanisms that allow you collect, produce and evaluate information, and to make it possible that such a person can know.
That way, you learn to reason about the own reasoning, implementation of the thinking to the Act of thinking, learning to learn, enhance activities and intellectual tasks which one carried out using reflection to guide them and ensure a good implementation.

Both concepts are important in the process of teaching - learning that helps the teacher to understand each student develops and the way in which apply certain knowledge (information to the master da) to daily life.

In conclusion to make use of the classroom activities efficient, we need to consider strategies to help students improve.
In my opinion it is necessary that we as teachers look to the greatest possible number of students so that we know what will be the way to work with the students, some students have a higher level of knowledge than others, and this benefits or harms to the living room, allowing to set new objectives based on the development of skills and abilitiesso we must ensure that students are more beyond what they know so that diverse information to be applied in a practical manner.

martes, 21 de junio de 2011

Practice in "Mariano Matamoros school"

I went to school "Mariano Matamoros" and practiced in 2 ° B. When I started to give the class I first present and told the students the purpose of my class, then gave them sheets containing regular and irregular verbs showing them on the Blackboard some images of verbs, then gave them a text in which students had to identify the structure of the simple past (last vacations) , then explain the structure of the simple past on the Blackboard and I asked them to do a conversation in groups, using the vocabulary of regular and irregular verbs as well as make use of the structure of the simple past, when students finished their conversation went in front of the classroom to say what they had done in their last vacations.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Simple Past





TEXT:(Simple Past)

Lesson Plan :Past Simple

Photos of "Sec. Jorge Murad Macluf"

Introduce myself to the students

Giving and explaining the text

Teh students identify the information that the text contain.

Doing questions to students about the information that I gave.

Students did a conversations relationated with the text.

Students went in front of the classroom to say the conversation

Buying Clothes

Lesson Plan : Buying Clothes

Daily activity

Affirmative: Subject + verb in present + complement
Negative: Subject + do/does + not + verb + complement
Interrogative: Do /does + subject + verb + complement +?

Para (+) :
Always (siempre)...100%.
Usually (usualmente)...90%.
Often (a menudo)...80%.
Frequently (frecuentemente)...70/60%.
Sometimes (algunas veces, a veces)...50%.
Otras opciones para preguntar:
Ever...? (nunca, jamás, alguna vez...?).
How often...? (que tan seguido o con que frecuencia...?).
Para (-):
Seldom (casi nunca)... 30%.
Rarely (rara vez)... 20%.
Never (nunca)... 0%.

Lesson Plan :Daily Activity

Food & Drink


Una mesa para uno por favor
A table for one person, please
Una mesa pra dos, por favor
A table for two people, please
¿Me permite ver el menú por favor?
Can I look at the menu, please?
¿Puedo ver la cocina?
Can I look in the kitchen?
¿Hay especialidad de la casa?
Is there a house speciality?
¿Hay alguna especialidad local?
Is there a local speciality?
Soy vegetarino
I'm a vegetarian
No como puerco
I don't eat pork
Quiero _____ I want _____
Quiero un platillo que contenga ______ I want a dish containing ______
Carne :Beef
Atún: Tuna



Lesson Plan : Food and drink

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011


The dialog in a classroom is necessary due to an interaction that is generated to help teaching and learning strategies to be efficient and effective.
In a classroom, it is important that the teacher engages students so that they have confidence and generate a motivation by students that help them learn better. It is also essential that the student is open to the dialogue in such a way to help you learn more about Professor, how they work and the possible relationship within and outside of Hall to help that the student acquires confidence.
The dialogue is a basic form of human communication that is used on a daily basis and spontaneously during the class, favoring with use socialization and the development of guidelines of coexistence, as well as you can also generate interest by oral transmission.
Through dialogue, the student enhances your ability to listen because item that develops was selected according to their motivation, therefore, you must ensure the basic knowledge and thus facilitate care, understanding and interpretation that is required for a proper listening.
The master when generating a dialogue in which there are questions and answers is a form of cognitive interaction, which underlines the importance of being able to properly understand what the other and speak up for self and others. The question is a very important element of the communicative process, above all because, as already mentioned, it involves an interaction between the spoken and who listens. It is a relationship between the two (receiver and sender) and under this, the set of questions can provide an important characterization of the Auditorium: his conscience.
In the teaching - learning must take into account the current language, allowing the teacher raise from immediate, next, real linguistic reality that uses the student as a user of the language, to the levels that this perceived that the language can become a great work of art. Teaching is carried out as a real and fruitful, dialogue based on the belief that the verbal habits are modifiable and thus improved.
Oral communication involves two types of learning: one, the instrumental mastery of language (phonetic, morphological, semantic), another of the positive compression- expression of experiences, feelings or thoughts.
All is known the importance of dialogue in an individualized and comprehensive education in the education, the pedagogical principle of learning is the action, which must be taken into account in designing activities to help students learn to interpret and understand the messages to achieve better oral communication.
The dialogue is a type of ideal discourse that can be used in classrooms or not where the subjects of basic training and specialty are developed to make constant exchanges between students. Teachers are in constant dialogue with the students when they arrive at the classroom and greet one another, ask about a topic, reviewed a written exercise or organize a research work; at any time, for any reason, it originates a dialogue and perhaps, are not always exploited the opportunities to enhance specific skills.
This is important to highlight the importance of the use of dialogue curriculum, therefore more than the exchange between two people, pursues an educational goal which is to work not only as a type of speech purposes, but as a technique to enhance speech.
Some features that benefit to in the classroom there is a constructive dialogue are: analyze and organize the ideas before communicating them, use a simple language, live, taking into account the level of the partner, explain or repeat, be patient to listen to others, verify if the message was caught, take care of the voice, diction, choosing a right to talk about pace, by way of conclusion are some recommendations that must be taken into account to promote the dialogue (oral communication).

There are two types of dialog that they arise in the classroom, one of them is the spontaneous and another the reflective.
Students generate the dialogue with their peers and teachers form spontaneous to draw the attention of who surrounds them; narrate what has befallen them, express their feelings, States of mind or problems wishes, views to argue or express views on most issues: the spontaneous expression is the conversation, which is used in everyday life situations.
When students and teachers talk of reflexive form some issue they do usually, although not always in a way objective, having it designed and analyzed carefully. This type of dialogue is used more, when looking for troubleshooting various issues in the classroom.
Types of oral communication help to generated the dialogue or discussion between master - student, are normally used: previously developed exhibitions and conferences, in order to ensure communication security, search for coherent expression, extension of the semantic repertoire, training in different articles, types of information in which students analyze, reflect and generate questions based on the subject in such a way that the master to make the case the information in form of debate.
In conclusion I would say that the dialogue in the classroom is very important because it help to us as teachers know better our students, and thus seek teaching strategies that help you to get different types of students to understand.
When practical in individual schools seeking understanding and analysis in detail my students so that you know how to deal with them in the Hall, I mainly focused in that there is an atmosphere of trust in which students can perform activities in good way, but also I found with students who are apathetic but that is no problem because the majority of students who behave in this way is because they are very insecure, therefore seek dialogue with them and make them feel confidence in such a way that they feel motivated.


Secondary education pretend that student develop adequate skills, values and attitudes to achieve a good development in society. In particular, secondary education should provide basic training to respond to the phenomenon of the universalization of the registration, form the integral personality of young people, etc. For this reason that in high school must develop levels of knowledge to the student so that it can act effectively in its context.
When I went to practice at the school easily notice as the level of knowledge of pupils depends on various factors.
One of the factors that help to improve the level of knowledge of students is the motivation.
Currently given much importance to which the master is responsible to use teaching strategies and learning so that the student arises objectives and goals that will help them to improve their level of knowledge and personally that is a good way to ensure that the student search in own way strategies to learn, whether implementing their own competence establishing goals for learning or performance that will help you learn in the classroom, this benefit not only to the student if not also to the master by analyzing ways to help students to recognize their abilities, skills and attitudes that will help your level of knowledge to go more than the teacher gives them.
In this way, Professor becomes a real guide, whose role is not confined to convey information, but it teaches how to think, how to use more appropriate strategies and how to resolve problems when the student is not how to do it. The master strategist plans first thinking of the achievements you want to achieve and then designs activities taking into account the interests of the students and their previous knowledge.
In the classroom, it is almost impossible that the level of knowledge is conducted in the same way in all pupils being so all students has developed a better ability than the other, in such a way a student according to Howard Gardner can better develop an intelligence that another is to say a student may have an intelligence kinestesic and other linguistic intelligence, both are different capacities which young people can develop.
A good way for students to improve their level of knowledge is the fact that the master will look within the classroom, the different levels of knowledge of their students so that those knowledge underdeveloped, have more emphasis in such a way that the master will help to develop that level and thus be balanced so that there is a better level of knowledge in every classroom.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011


In order to begin my essay about the importance of multiple intelligences in the secondary (mainly), it is necessary to know which are the multiple intelligences.
Howard Gardner is regarded as the creator of the theory of multiple intelligences, they relate to the influence of the environment that develops the individual, their cognitive, styles the willingness to solve problems and create products, so that todos are born with a few potential marked by Genetics, but those potentialities are going to develop in a way or another depending on our environment , experiences, received education, etc.
For Gardner intelligence is the ability to generate new problems, solve everyday problems and to create products, all of this within a cultural area.
There are 8 types of intelligences by Howard Gardner and are:
Intelligence lógica-Matematica: Persons with a well-developed mathematical logical intelligence are able to use abstract thinking using logic and numbers to establish relationships between different data. They are, therefore, in the resolution of problems, the ability to perform complex mathematical calculations and logical reasoning. Is therefore one of the two great privileged system education.
Intrapersonal intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence is, according to the definition of Howard Gardner, in the set of capabilities that allow us to form an accurate and truthful model of ourselves, as well as use this model to engage us in an efficient way in life.There are three types of intrapersonal skills: ability to perceive own emotions, control emotions and motivate one same.
Intrapersonal intelligence largely determines the success or failure of the students. For the students is important because without ability to auto - motivate is no possible performance. Any learning represents an effort. Control of emotions is important not only during a review, but on the day to day. Any learning something new entails inevitable periods of confusion and frustration and tension. Students unable to handle that kind of emotions often are reluctant to try new activities, for fear of failure. Because it depends on that we finish the course in better or worse state mood is also important from the point of view of the teacher.

Interpersonal intelligence: Interpersonal intelligence is what allows us to understand others, relies on the development of two major types of skills, empathy and the ability to handle relations interpersonal.
Interpersonal intelligence is important for any student, because it is that allows you to make friends, work in groups, or get help when you need it. Learning is a social activity greatly.
Interpersonal intelligence is even more important from the point of view of the Professor, because without it we cannot understand our students, their needs and their motivations.
Physics-kinesthetic intelligence: it is the ability to use one's body to express ideas and feelings, and their particularities of coordination, balance, dexterity, strength, flexibility and speed, as well as propioceptivas and touch.

Her seen in children who Excel in sports, dance, physical theatre, or works of buildings using specific materials. Also in those who are skilled in the execution of instruments.
Spatial intelligence: it is the ability to assess with certainty the image visual and spatial, graphically represent ideas, and raising the color, line, shape, figure, space and their interrelations.

It is children that they study better with graphs, diagrams, tables. They like to do mental and conceptual maps. They understand very well drawings and sketches.
Intelligence naturalist: is the ability to distinguish, classify and use elements of the environment, objects, animals or plants. Both the urban and suburban or rural atmosphere. Includes the skills of observation, experimentation, reflection and questioning of our environment.
Intelligence Linguistics: verbal-lingüística intelligence is a human characteristic that is indispensable for social life and is often described as the sensitivity to sounds, rhythms and meaning of words, often arriving to become a passion to learn to express themselves both orally and in writing.
Through the reading and writing, this type of intelligence, although it has to be developed by all children therefore allowing them access to knowledge through reading has been encouraged, it is important that not eclipse other skills, especially those of those children who have an inclination special towards another type of activities like dance, the arts, management with images, etc. Traditionally in school language has given priority over other resources
Musical intelligence: Referred to as Musical intelligence to the facility which has a person to identify different sounds and perceive its elements (intensity, direction, tone, timbre and frequency), as well as be able to distinguish a sound among others at the time.
Howard Gardner emphasizes the fact that all minds are equally important. The problem is that our school system not treated equally and h given priority to the intelligence logical - mathematical and linguistic intelligence to the point of denying the existence of the others.
All these intelligences are important in the classroom because through these capabilities, the master must pursue strategies to enable each student to develop different types of skills, however, there are capabilities that are not exactly developed in the classroom if that is not already given since birth, in such a way that the child learns from home to develop these skillsHowever there are also cases in which multiple intelligences must be developed gradually, so the teacher is considered an important piece for the development of these capabilities in the students which allows the student to feel motivated and show greater interest and dedication in the teaching-learning model.
When I have practiced in the classroom I given eh tells of how a variety of students that have great skills which teachers should focus more to its development and is why it is very important that there is a possibly link where the motivation and confidence are the precursor of such capacities.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

How do students learn?

How do students learn?

To start to talk about the way in which students learn, it is necessary that we have a clear idea what refers to the concept "learning".
Learning is to acquire, process, understanding and, finally, implement an information that has been taught to us, in other words, when we learn or understand some knowledge we are able to use and practice such information in a contextualized world.
In this way, to know the meaning of learning, it is important to approach us now if, by learning that students acquire by teachers.
There are three types of procedures in which the student acquires knowledge, these are: before, during and after. In the first procedure the student is waiting that the master input information to the class, during class the student must pursue strategies or methods whereby provided it understand information so that in this way both the teaching and learning of the students are to be effective, although on many occasions the importance that students learn is not only in the fact to find ways of acquiring knowledge, if not also in the way in which the master taught the class, using strategies of learning in which students are able to practice it , finally the knowledge that her teacher aims to teach have as goal that students learn theoretical way information however also claimed that the theoretical knowledge take to her practice in a space framed.

There are various theories of learning focused the student learn in an effective manner, but in a classroom learning theories most commonly used are: cognitivista and behavioral theory.
In cognitivista theory the student develops the reasoning, memory, language, perception and problem resolution. In this theory the students stimuli in such a way that they receive the information they receive, her fit and her assimilated then carried out in a cognitive process that is based on the Faculty of the beings of processing information from the perception, acquired knowledge (experience) and subjective characteristics that allow to develop, analyze, and manage from various perspectives information.
In cognitive theory as you mention Vygotsky, people don't learn individually, in group, by imitation, social internalization, interaction with the group. This means that it is important in a classroom that the student to interact with other colleagues for that in this way contribution or receive information that perhaps did not know and that will be useful.

On the other hand, in the behaviourist theory the learning of the students is the main objective and generated two ways by which the student learns and are: by conditioning in which we learn through interaction with the environment and another where the person learns by trial or error
When a behavior is repeated positively, it becomes a habit (does better adaptation to the environment, if a response is positive is still repeated, you can modify, acquire and do away with behaviour through the conditioning of the stimuli or answers and there is finally a reinforced behavior which can be generalized to other similar situations.) This means that in many cases students learn in a way contextualized in which to learn and go acquired new experiences, do it to be wrong however those errors that have must be solved by this same, using diverse information that the maestro provide to him.
For a student learn effectively it is necessary that the master carry out various strategies to do that most of the students put attention and not just a few that seem to understand what the teacher speaks.
To attend various comments and practices I since eh has that students learn better when the teacher is a person who has good preparation and not just improvises class because learning does not take it as a game, another way in which note that the students were more attention and interest, was when the master towards dynamic activities in which the student was working at all times and using material support. This sometimes does not mean that by virtue of dynamic activities, the student will learn however necessary that we as future teachers look for ways in which students feel motivated to move forward now that often the students do not see relations between the new material that you read and what they already know.
. Where any matter is not in the interest of the student, you must find a way to make the same motive, be it using as an example some object of your choice that can be related to the subject or the simple fact that there is a good interaction between possibly, finally learning better when they are involved in activities which they perceive as useful in everyday life and that are culturally relevant.
Many students have the ability to learn in different ways but there are factors that make that students lose interest in education and this arises when the student has problems with family-type (when there is no one to support it or motive in order to develop their skills and abilities in the family environment), in the social nature (when their friendly relations are affected by a problem) and the environment which causes the student to feel alone, lose interest in things.
As conclusion I would say that the learning of the students is the goal of the master and as such, must find various methods so that adolescents can learn and understand what you want to teach, while it is true that not all students learn in the same way or with the same strategies that the teacher uses, therefore it is necessary that the student is also seeking alternatives to learn better, clear serious exemplifies the fact that when the student does not learn successfully what the master taught, the student has the initiative to use books of texts to learn better and if that does not understand any knowledge the master is responsible for providing aid so that the student develops skills and abilities.
Students are capable of learning what they want if they intend.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

propuesta para mejorar el programa y plan de estudio

Mi propuesta para mejorar el plan de estudios y programa que actualmente tenemos seria que los maestros dejaran de llevar a cabo una enseñanza con modelo tradicionalista en la que los docentes se convierten en transmisores (enseñanza) y los alumnos los receptores(aprendizaje) es necesario que haya una interacción para que los alumnos sean capaces de exponer sus propias ideas.
También es importante que nosotros como maestros enseñemos el idioma ingles utilizando más la práctica que la teoría, para que de esa manera los alumnos puedan desarrollar el idioma (ingles) por medio de la conversación haciendo que en el ambiente que se desarrolla haga que su aprendizaje sea eficaz y eficiente.
Por último es indispensable que se cuente con un laboratorio de ingles en el cual los alumnos puedan acceder fácilmente a programas que la computadora les brinda para que desarrollen mejor sus habilidades auditivas, orales, escritas, etc.
My proposal to improve curriculum and program we currently have serious teachers leave of education with traditional model in which teachers become students (learning) receivers and transmitters (education) it needs to be interaction so that students are able to present their own ideas.
It is also important that we as teachers teach English using more practice than theory that so students can develop (English) by the conversation in the environment that develops to its learning to be effective and efficient.
Finally it is essential that it has a laboratory of English in which students can easily access programs that the computer gives them develop better skills listening, oral, written, etc.


VYGOTSKY was a social psychologist tah started working in the areas of developmentalpsychology,education and psychopathology.
"Zone of proximal development"is the difference between the childs capacity to solve problems on his own,and his capacity to solve them with assistence in other wors,the actual developmental levels refers to all the functions and activities that a child can perform on his own,independently without the help of anyone else.

PIAGET conclud that children adapt to their environment through either assimilation or accommodation .Assimilation suggests that the child employs a response already learned to react a new stimulus also involves the interpretation of events in terms of existing cognitive structure whereas accomodation is changing the cognitive structure to make sense of the environment
STEPHEN KRASHEN was professor emeritus at the University of Southern California,[1] who moved from the linguistics department to the faculty of the School of Education in 1994. He is a linguist, educational researcher, and activist.

The acquired system is readily available for natural communication and fluid and intuitive judgments about the correction.
The system learned, only acts as an editor or "monitor" and polishing what the acquired system has produced.
Language is acquired if the information is understandable. (through of understanding messages)Affective filter: imaginary barrier that prevents students to use the entry that is available in the environment

photos practice SHOULD/SHOULDNT

This day i practiced with the second grade,i did a presentation about myself and said the objectives of class
Giving vocabulary about health and body
In the text Students identify the repeat word with major frecuency
i gave the material incluing excersices of should/shouldnt



photos practice PREPOSITIONS

I did an introduction about myself and I explained and wrote the meaning of each preposition.

Students identify the prepositions in the text.
I asked to students that said me with their words the reason of the prepositions.
Giving the material or work.